Friday, June 29, 2018

On Discovering That My Room Divider Was Unhooked

I have one of those beaded bamboo curtains
hanging in the doorless doorway
to my small study.
“Hanging,” I say, except that , for months, I’ve had it
hooked back on each side
so as not to make that click-clack every time I come in.
Just now I approached to find it
unhooked, vertical, hanging—swaying
with an almost imperceptible motion.
It was the vertical—and that slight, breeze-like sway—
that caused me to pause
before walking through it.

“Violet’s been here,” I thought.
It’s as though she had discovered the door
to Lewis’ Wardrobe
and might be somewhere inside.
I pushed through the beads. CLICK-CLACK,
Click-Clack, click clack.

Isn’t that why I installed it in the first place?
To keep the world outside,
And to let Violet, and me, into Narnia?